How can I cancel the subscription?
As per our Terms of Service, please note that subscriptions automatically renew and both fees and subscriptions are non-refundable. But don't worry, you can cancel your subscription anytime right from your Account Settings. We're here to make things easy for you!
To cancel the renewal of your subscription, simply follow these steps:
Go to the "Plan & Prices" tab on our website.
Look for the "unsubscribe" button and click on it.
By canceling your subscription today, you can still enjoy our premium services until the end of your subscription period. We want to ensure that you continue to benefit from our premium features during this time.
To cancel the renewal of your subscription, simply follow these steps:
Go to the "Plan & Prices" tab on our website.
Look for the "unsubscribe" button and click on it.
By canceling your subscription today, you can still enjoy our premium services until the end of your subscription period. We want to ensure that you continue to benefit from our premium features during this time.
Updated on: 11/01/2025
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